Introduction to the making of Sustainable Development
July 7, 2016
What does your debriefing look like?
August 2, 2016Are you ready to make peace this 21st September?
On 21st September every year, Peace Day is celebrated around the world. During this day, people come together to share and strengthen the ideals for making peace possible. At CISV we educate and inspire for a more peaceful world, and for many years CISVers from around the globe have played an active role in this celebration.
Celebrating Peace Day inspires action, encourages reconciliation and is an opportunity to practice peace-building skills between different communities. Over the years, millions of people have organized all kinds of events and activities to promote the awareness of Peace Day, and there are many ways of getting involved and participating.
We are giving you 12 ideas of things that you can do personally or with a group to celebrate Peace Day. Once you have planned your activity, share your event at and send your contact information, the name of your event, the time and location.
Don’t forget to share your celebration with us! Go on social media during your event and use #CISV4PeaceDay to share your pictures or videos.
Have fun making peace!
By Natalia Cadavid
1 Comment
I really have enjoyed your suggestions am organizing to honor the international peace day in my school with all the teachers and our students I pledge to try them out and we shall share the out comes .
thanks so much.