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April 13, 2017How to educate children on human rights
May 2, 2017Do you sometimes feel you can make no difference? Do you think that protecting human rights is the job of our governments? Think again!
We do have power to make a difference in the world. If we come together working peacefully for a cause, we change the world. In fact, being able to organise and fight for change is a human right.
This right of peaceful assembly and association allows us all to come together at home or in public to express and promote our common interests. Every one of us has the human right to participate in peaceful protests, strikes and gatherings. Every person has a right to join groups – formal or informal – with the main focus of taking collective action. These groups could refer to cooperatives, civil society organizations, clubs, unions, religious associations and many others. So, by coming together to promote peace education, as you do in CISV, you are actually exercising a human right!
Click here to read more about the Right to freedom of peaceful assembly and association.