What is Sustainable Development?
April 25, 2016Dig In: Introducing Sustainable Development through Activities
May 2, 2016Listening to: Wonderwall – Oasis
Since the first moment I started to be part of CISV, I have asked myself how we could change the world. There are so many things to be done and it seems endless for me. And maybe for others as well?
If we ask one person from each country in the world which problems of their countries they would like to sort out, we would end up with, well – a very long list. The not so funny thing is that we might end up with similar cases. People might say that one neighbour doesn’t recycle the trash; the other neighbour doesn’t offer a ride to another student attending the same university; everyday there is someone who throws trash out of the car window; nobody stands when a pregnant woman enters the bus…. just to list a few ordinary examples.
And for me, the problem lies there.
We are so busy pointing the finger, accusing people around us, while we are not analysing our own attitudes. We are all part of this world and we can make it better, or not, with our daily gestures and behaviour.
It is not easy to change an attitude. That might be one of our biggest challenges in life. I have been thinking, if we sit down and analyse what we personally could have done differently and better each day, what do you think would be in our lists?
By Bruna Dias