Delegations, questions – big group
Questions are asked, discussed within own delegation, and one person from each delegation can, if the delegation wants to, share what they discussed after each question.
Delegations, with own question sheet
Each leader gets all the questions, and does the debriefing with own delegation, where ever they want, and without sharing with the rest of camp.
Personal reflections, together
Everyone sits in a room. Maybe back to back to another person. One asks questions, for individuals to reflect upon, then ask another and so on. Everyone is quite, except for the person asking questions.
Personal reflections, alone
Everyone gets a paper with questions and is asked to spend time alone reflecting upon those questions.
Writing, letter to yourself
Write a letter to yourself, about how you feel, what you learned, what you gained, your reflections… etc…
Writing, letter to someone
Write a letter to someone (friend, family member, schoolmate, etc…) about your reflections, how you feel, what you learned… etc…
Same as the last two, but as drawings
Two together
Everyone is in the room. Find the person to discuss with. A question is asked, discuss with that person, then a new question and a new person.
Circles / Square Dance
Two circles. One facing the other. A question is asked, you discuss with the person sitting in front of you, then one of the circles move (one spot, two spots… whatever) and a new question is asked.
You can prepare questions, but you can also do variations where maybe the outside circle asks the inside circle a question.
Cafe tables
Different questions are discussed at different tables, and you can walk around to any table you feel like, take part of the discussion and walk to another table when you feel like it. Or, in the same way, but only leave the table after a given time. So you have to stay at a table for eg. 4 minutes, and then someone says you can move, and you chose to move or stay at your table.
Each table focuses on an area of the debriefing/topic.
Walk and Talk
Walk with one or two others, discuss a question asked. Come back after a set time. New question – either new walking partners, or stay in the group and discuss the new question in a walk and talk style.
Talking to a tree
Sit next to an object, alone. Whisper to the object how you feel, what you learned, gained, etc… Personal reflection and time to say things you maybe aren’t comfortable saying to others.
The Interview
Put someone in the spotlight (it cold be the Junior Council group, five leaders, the staff, a certain delegation, only girl participants, someone who doesn’t speak English… up to you). Have a person facilitate prepares questions for the once in the spotlight, who are then being interviewed. Everyone else is observing the debriefing, and gets to listen and reflect on what is discussed on stage.
Words in a room
Put up different words at spots in a room. The words could reflect feelings or emotions (e.g. surprised, happy, frustrated) that the activity might have made participants feel, the words could relate to the activity in other ways. People walk to a spot with a word and talk about that word and how it related to the activity, share their experience in reflection with the world, etc…
The Debate panel
Place a number of high boxes people can stand behind and their upper body will be visible. Maybe 6 or 8 of them. Maybe as two sides of a square. Have everyone sit on chairs as the two other sides of the square, but maybe a bit further away (or place them somewhere else). Have a couple of facilitators run a discussion (a debate) where they invite different people to take a stand (behind one of the high boxes) and ask them questions, provoke them, get them to argue different opinions, views, experiences, etc… Have the facilitators replace the debaters throughout the debriefing.
Big circle, questions
Everyone sits in a big circle, questions are asked, people raise their hand to answer / reflect …
Big circle, delegations
Everyone sits with their delegation, in a big circle.
I don’t know the best ways to debrief. I am not better at it because of my experience. But I do wish to share, inspire and learn. My goal with the list you will find below is to get lots of feedback, new ways to debrief, develop the list. And then share it again – for CISVers to learn from each other, trust each other to say we all need help, no matter who we are. We should all learn daily. I wish to learn by sharing!
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By Sune Pihl *
1 Comment
Awesome! Thanks for the ideas! there’s a couple here that i’ve never done, gonna try then soon on our next JB activities 😉