CISV’s year for Human Rights is here! Over the course of 2017, you will find out more about Human Rights and how they fit into our Peace Education. We will provide the right resources for you to become an active global citizen and engage in making the world a better place through understanding and applying Human Rights principles.

April 7, 2017

The right to seek asylum

Most of us can’t imagine not having any stability, not enough food, or healthcare options. What would we do if we were in a situation like this? Would we try to go to a place where we felt we could survive and actually build a decent life for ourselves? If our human rights are being crushed in our own country, we all have the human right to seek and receive asylum in other countries. But this is far from easy in practice.
March 31, 2017

Educating and Inspiring Action for Human Rights

In this post, we are first going to talk about Human Rights education and about its connection with peace education. Later, we are going to take a quick look at a few small tips to bring the first part to our reality.
March 24, 2017

Welcome to 2017 – CISV’s year of Human Rights!

Each year, CISV International puts the spotlight on one of our four educational content areas. This year we focus on Human Rights. What are they? Do we fully understand what they mean and how they affect our lives and communities? How do they connect to Active Global Citizenship? How can we educate and empower people to take action in this area?