human rights

May 2, 2017

How to educate children on human rights

This post is especially dedicated to trainers and adults who are preparing for local, national and regional trainings or for being super ready for this year’s CISV programmes. We can imagine that you might have asked yourself some questions during this preparation phase such as “How can we train and talk about Human Rights in a training?”
April 24, 2017

The right to peaceful assembly and association

We do have power to make a difference in the world. If we come together working peacefully for a cause, we change the world. In fact, being able to organise and fight for change is a human right. This right of peaceful assembly and association allows us all to come together at home or in public to express and promote our common interests.
April 7, 2017

The right to seek asylum

Most of us can’t imagine not having any stability, not enough food, or healthcare options. What would we do if we were in a situation like this? Would we try to go to a place where we felt we could survive and actually build a decent life for ourselves? If our human rights are being crushed in our own country, we all have the human right to seek and receive asylum in other countries. But this is far from easy in practice.
March 31, 2017

Educating and Inspiring Action for Human Rights

In this post, we are first going to talk about Human Rights education and about its connection with peace education. Later, we are going to take a quick look at a few small tips to bring the first part to our reality.